Saturday, 11 August 2018

Recipes For Home Made Coconut Lemongrass Hand scrub

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If you want to have soft, smooth and glowing hands, try make this at home or contact us for yours if you want to save stress and time.

coconut lemongrass hand scrubrevive and refresh
½ cup coconut oil
1 cup fine sea salt
½ cup Epsom salt
4-6 drops lemongrass essential oil
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and stir to blend. Scoop into a container with a tight-fitting lid. To use, rub a small amount onto wet hands using gentle circular motions. Rinse well with warm water.
About Sea Salt
When it comes to seasoning, sea salt is considered the Cadillac of salts. Unlike ordinary table salt mined from the earth, sea salt comes from the ocean.
While sea salt granules can be added to a pot of boiling water or to foods prior to cooking, they are an excellent finishing salt for just-cooked foods. Sea salt is also a flavorful addition to fresh salads.
About Epsom Salt
As the name implies, dead sea mineral salts consist of various oxides obtained from the mineral-rich floor of the Dead Sea. The high concentration of mineral salts, especially magnesium and bromide, is thought to be beneficial for the skin and connective tissue. In fact, The National Psoriasis Foundation promotes the use of bathing with dead sea mineral salts to help ease irritation and to remove psoriasis scale.

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