Monday, 17 August 2020


People who have developed type 2 diabetes have lost the ability to respond to insulin. Insulin is produced in the body when we eat sugar or carbohydrates a piece of bread or plate of pasta just gets broken down into sugar in the body so whether it is bread or a spoonful of the white stuff the end result in the body is the same sugar in the blood stream.

 Insulin will be produced and this hormone gets the cells to take up the sugar from the bloodstream. If there is too much sugar in the blood stream on a regular basis the cells become resistant to insulin and stop paying any attention to its request to take up sugar. This often leads to weight gain around the middle although this is not always the case. In order to reverse diabetes we need to get the cells listening to the insulin message again.

 This means that you need to stop eating all carbohydrates and sugar the stricter you are the better your results will be. It means removing the following from your diet: Pasta, bread, Rice, biscuit,cake, sugary drinksS, Sweets, basically  anything that tastes sweet.

If you want to check the quantity of sugar in a food look on the back of the packet under the carbohydrate content it will say Of which sugars if you work on the basis that 4g of sugar is a teaspoon you will be surprised/shocked at the levels of sugar that gets put into our food.

You may be thinking what am I going to eat! I can assure you that there a lots of things that we can eat that will not spike our blood sugar levels.

- having protein at every meal is important meat. fish. eggs, nuts and seeds,

- increasing our fat intake

- filling up on vegetables (not potatoes and eat all other root vegetables in moderation).

Written by Kate. Kate trained at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London, one of the foremost leading educational establishments to focus upon all aspects of nutrition and health from both a holistic and scientific perspective.

She's a fully registered member of the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT), which works to promote high standards of education, training, practice and integrity in the nutrition profession.

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