Saturday, 11 August 2018

Recommended Herbs For Joint Pain and Inflammation

There’s no need to turn to over-the-counter (OTC) medications to soothe your joint pain. Mother Nature has provided us with more effective alternatives. Many who suffer from joint pain accept it as a natural part of aging, but this doesn’t have to be the case. This guide will show you how exactly how you can reclaim your health and reduce your joint pain so you can get the most out of your life. 

Read on to learn about the most effective herbal treatments for joint pain relief.
Below are Recommended Herbs For Reducing Joint Pain
Recommended Essential Oils For Joint Pain Herbal supplementation is a great way to reduce inflammation, and making your own herbal supplements is a safe, affordable, and effective way to manage pain and heal your body naturally. The following herbal supplement recommendations are most effective at relieving inflammation and soothing your achy joints.

Chibtox Joint and Bone Wellness Tea

Chibtox Joint and Bone Wellness tea is a traditional Native American formula that is used around the world as a natural health tonic. This tea is a mixture of roots, bark, and leaves, and is most commonly used as a treatment for cancer. This natural tonic enables the body to remove toxins and waste products for overall improved vitality.

In addition to its cancer-fighting abilities, chibtox Joint and Bone Wellness tea helps to stave off inflammation and relieve pain by improving the body’s ability to utilize oxygen and raise oxygen levels in tissue cells. With numerous additional health benefits , daily consumption of Chibtox Joint and Bone Wellness tea is one of the best natural remedies for joint pain relief.


There’s a reason turmeric is gaining so much popularity for pain relief in recent years; it works! Recent studies have shown that not only is turmeric more effective than ibuprofen, but long-term use of ibuprofen may increase your risk of heart attack.
Aside from the additional benefits that turmeric brings, those two facts alone make turmeric a no-brainer when it comes to soothing achy joints and reducing inflammation. A daily dose of 1,500 milligrams of turmeric or two cups of Chibtox Joint and Bone Wellness can be an effective pain management solution for those suffering from different types of arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, or other chronic conditions.
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is not readily absorbed by the body, but this can easily be overcome by taking turmeric with black pepper. If making your own turmeric supplement at home, you can simply top off each capsule or tea with regular black pepper from your pepper shaker, or take turmeric with a meal that includes black pepper as a spice.
Turmeric root has been widely used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, and modern science is now proving its benefits. In addition to healing joint pain and inflammation, turmeric has also been shown to help control blood sugar levels, boost the immune system, promote digestion, and support healthy brain function.
Recommended dose: 1,500 mg.

                                  Ginger Root

 Another powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient is ginger root , which has been used as medicine in Asia since ancient times. Although ginger root is most commonly used to promote healthy digestion, studies have shown ginger to be an effective therapy for osteoarthritis 

In addition to promoting healthy digestion and reducing inflammation, ginger carries numerous other health benefits. A standard dose of 1,000 milligrams ohas been shown reduce nausea, improve memory, reduce colon cancer risk, help control appetite, reduce muscle soreness, and lower cholesterol.
Recommended dose: 1,000 mg.
The first image is from google.

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