Lemon essential oil is obtained from the fruit peel of the lemon tree, a small evergreen citrus tree native to Asia and cultivated throughout southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. The oil imparts a bright, citrusy fragrance and lends astringent qualities to a variety of products.
Much like their yellow counterpart, the lemon, limes are packed full of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients. So, it should come as no surprise that Lime Essential Oil is well regarded for its various uses and applications. Often used as an antiseptic, antiviral, astringent and disinfectant, it can aid with everything from muscle soreness and infection to measles and food poisoning. Some even swear by it as a means of combating depression, arthritis and fatigue.
Commonly used in aromatherapy as a digestive and appetite stimulant, a few drops can add a zip of flavor to your water or a layer of tang to baked goods and other desserts. It can even be used in soaps, lotions, bath oils and potpourri. Lime Essential Oil offers so many uses, you’re sure to leave your neighbors green with envy.
A little botanical information on lemon
The Lemon is a small, straggling tree from the Rutaceae family that stands about 11 feet high. It is irregularly branched and the bark varies in color from clear grey on the trunk, green on the younger branches, to a purplish color on the twigs.
The leaves are ovate-oval evergreen and are about two inches long; the margin serrate with sharp spines in the axils of the stalks. The solitary, five-petalled flowers grow on stems in the axils. They bloom white inside and are tinged with deep pink outside.
The familiar lemon fruit is an ovoid berry, meaning it is egg-shaped with a more pointed end and nipple on one side. Lemons are generally about three inches in length, smooth, bright yellow, indented over the oil-glands, and have an acidic, pale yellow pulp. Lemon peel is the outer yellow peel of the fruit of this tree.
About forty-seven varieties of lemon are believed to have been developed during its centuries of cultivation.
Common names & nomenclature
The word lemon may be Middle Eastern in its origin.
The word lemon may be Middle Eastern in its origin.
One of the earliest occurrences of "lemon" appears in a Middle English customs document of 1420–1421. However the Middle English word limon comes from the Old French limon, suggesting that the fruit was introduced to the English by the French. Limon most likely was derived from the Italian limone, and in turn from the Arabic laymūn or līmūn, which comes from the Persian līmūn, a generic term for citrus fruit.
Also known as:
lemon, citrus medica, citrus limonum, citronnier, neemoo, leemoo, limoun, limone
lemon, citrus medica, citrus limonum, citronnier, neemoo, leemoo, limoun, limone
It is thought that lemons first grew in Assam (a region placed in Northeast India), northern Burma, and China. Widely cultivated in Mediterranean countries.
Cultivation and Harvesting
Considerations for growing and harvesting lemon
Considerations for growing and harvesting lemon
Lemon trees prefer sunny locations in warm temperate and tropical zones.
Lemon trees prefer sunny locations in warm temperate and tropical zones.
Prefers a moderately heavy loam with a generous amount of compost and sand added.
Prefers a moderately heavy loam with a generous amount of compost and sand added.
Lemon seed is best sown in
a greenhouse as soon as it ripe and after having been thoroughly rinsed. Sow
stored seed in March in a greenhouse. Germination usually takes place within 2
- 3 weeks at 13°C. Seedlings are liable to damp off (i.e. have fungal issues
resulting in seedling death), so they must be watered with care and kept well
large enough to handle, transplant the seedlings out into individual pots and
grow them on in the greenhouse for at least three growing seasons before trying
them outdoors. Plant them out in the summer and give them some protection from
the cold for their first few winters outdoors. Can also be grafted, layered or
propagated by cuttings.
Harvest the fruits when ripe and remove the peel in strips or cut pieces for drying.
Store dried lemon peel in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
Store dried lemon peel in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
The dried peel, however, can be used in cooking and baking, and pairs especially well with dried dates, figs, raisins and chocolate. Lemon peel is also added to herbal tea blends.
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