Saturday, 11 August 2018

How To Make Facial Toner Using Yarrow Flower

Yarrow, also known as old man's pepper, devil's nettle, sanguinary and nosebleed plant, is a perennial, flowering plant in the Asteraceae family, which includes daisy, aster, sunflower, chrysanthemum and marigold. The herb naturally occurs most of Europe, North America and parts of Asia but Chibtox Tea and Wellness makes it available to you here in Nigeria or anywhere you are. 

Today, the fern-like leaves and colorful flowers are dried for use in floral crafts and to make tinctures, infused oils and salves.

This astringent formula helps to reduce redness and inflammation from minor blemishes, insect bites and other skin irritations.
2 cups vodka
1/2 cup witch hazel bark
1/2 cup yarrow flowers
Place the witch hazel bark and yarrow flowers in a large mason jar. Pour vodka over herbs and put on the lid. Place the jar in a dark place for 4-6 weeks, gently shaking the jar once or twice each day. Strain and discard herbal material. Store the toner in a clean container with a lid for up to one year. Refrigeration not required.

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