Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Herbal Remedy Used to Improve Memory

The leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba
It's natural as we get older to find that we can become a little forgetful. You might forget where you left your keys or why you just walked into the kitchen. Memory loss like this may increase with old age for a number of reasons. As you get older, your brain can react a little slower due to neurons becoming damaged by a lack of oxygen or blood supply.
Prescription medication can cause memory problems as can stress, depression and emotional problems. There are many medical causes for memory loss including diabetes, high blood pressure (increasing the risk of stroke), dementia, drug and alcohol abuse, vitamin B12 deficiency and amnesia. If you are worried about your symptoms, or if your memory loss is seriously affecting your lifestyle, then seek medical advice.
There are many ways to help improve your memory and concentration, including a healthy diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables and omega 3 fatty acids (found in oily fish, walnuts, flax seeds, cloves and oregano), regular exercise which improves circulation helping the oxygen supply getting to the brain, and by remaining social and keeping the brain active. If you don't use it you will lose it as the saying goes! There are some good tips for boosting the memory.
There are also a number of herbal remedies that you can prepare easily at home that can help improve the function of the brain, increasing your ability to concentrate and to retain information, thereby improving your memory!
One of herb that has proven to be very effective for this is Ginkgo Biloba
The ginkgo biloba, or maidenhair tree, is thought to have been around for over 225 million years, since the age of the dinosaurs. The dried leaves contain substances that work as a Nootropic by improving circulation to the brain, altering the availability of neuro-transmitters and enzymes which control the brain chemistry, and increasing oxygen supply. It improves concentration, short term memory and reaction time in the middle-aged to the elderly. If you are on prescription medication then check with your doctor of pharmacist before taking ginkgo, as it could interfere with its effectiveness or safety.

Ginkgo biloba is also useful for circulatory disorders such as vertigo and leg cramps and it can help with asthma by opening up the bronchial passages, reducing inhaler use. Remember to check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are planning to use ginkgo for any medical complaint as it can interfere with prescription medication.

We recommend Chibtox Joint and Bone Wellness.

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